EMST building signage with large wall-mounted banners

Date: 28/07/2020
Client: EMST
Venue: EMST
Subject: Marking of a building with large wall banners

The marking was carried out on the North and East sides of the building.

It included:

  1. Roller suspension mechanism
    In order to avoid vibrations of the banners, rails were placed on the wall to the left and right of the banners, inside which guides with bearings run, from which the banner is held by springs. The banners are raised and lowered by rollers mounted on the top of the building.

    This method of hanging was used for the first time in Greece and its advantage is that the holding points throughout the height of the Banner remain at a constant distance from each other and the gusts of wind are dampened by the springs that hold the banner at the supporting points.

  2. Prints on mesh material that presents little air resistance.
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